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Screwattack`S Top 10S

Wiki. Alma Wade. Online streaming Mon Garçon in english in ultra HD. Timeline. Both. Status (Vivendi)Deceased (Physically) Ghost.

Alma Wade was the key figure and main antagonist of the F.E.A.R. With Eric Bauza, Chris Edgerly, June Foray, Brian George. Scrooge McDuck and his family travel around the world searching for legendary treasures.

  1. Nathan Barnatt was born on February 2, 1981 in Milford, Massachusetts, USA as Nathan James Barnatt. He is an actor and physical comedian. He is the second of three sons.
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Screwattack`S Top 10S

Status (Monolith)Deceased (Physically) Ghost. Physical description. Gender. Female. Age. Hair. Black Dark Brown (Alma Interviews).

Eye color. Black Whited- over blue. Orange Yellow. Red. Chronological and political information.

Voice Actor. Melissa Roberts (F. E. A. R.)Alesia Glidewell (F. E. A. R. 3). Affiliation. Spirits. Replica Forces. Her voice actress in F. E. A. R. 2: Project Origin and F. E. A. R. 3 were provided by Alesia Glidewell.

Alma's mother died during labor, leaving Alma alone with her father. At the age of only three, Armacham Technology Corporation became interested in Alma due to her tremendous psychic abilities and inducted her into Project Paragon, where they tested her for every known psychic ability. Alma passed all tests, and, should she appear not to have any power, her father would work tirelessly with her until she was able to focus her powers and complete the objective. She was experimented on tirelessly to discover the source of her powers and how they responded to external stimuli.

Sometime later, she started a fire in one of their laboratories. Armacham scientists began to have vivid nightmares, sudden mood changes, and delusions, and it was concluded that Alma was psychically attacking them. Soon after, Armacham made plans to keep Alma alive, but to also stop her from being able to harm their employees. Two days before her eighth birthday, she was put into an induced coma and locked in the Vault, a spherical structure located deep inside the secret Origin Facility, blocking her psychic abilities. A note that can be found in F.

E. A. R. 2: Project Origin suggests Alma may have already killed at least one person before being put into a coma. As well, she is seen with blood on her legs when ATC guards transport her to the Vault. During the project, Alma was impregnated twice with clone embryos, made from her own DNA, combined with genetic contributions from various Origin staffers, including Harlan Wade. Alma merged her consciousness with that of Fettel when he was 1. Synchronicity Event and prompting ATC to shut down Project Origin completely and to . Her life support system was removed and she died six days later. Alma was 2. 6 at the time of her death.

During this time, people in the area of her corpse would feel uneasy or ill, and that part of the city was eventually abandoned. Frightened by Alma's powers, Armacham employees shut down the facility in which her body lingered, refusing to reopen it until twenty years had passed. First appearing in the introduction, Alma's presence is felt constantly throughout the game, with hints and glimpses of her life made throughout the game's use of visions and info the Point Man gathers through both Paxton Fettel and several laptops scattered throughout the areas he searches. She appears as an eight year old girl wearing a red dress and has a disturbingly blank, mask- like face almost completely obscured by long dark hair. Right from her first appearance, it's never quite clear if Alma is real, or if she only exists in the minds of the people seeing her. Bloody footprints can be found in some places where she walks, and she is briefly visible on a CCTV monitor in the South River Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the same room where Bill Moody is interrogated.

Her appearances are usually preceded by a static radio transmission, logged as . Sometimes all that is heard is her soft, giggling laugh, or indistinct words whispered as though in the Point Man's ear. She sends in a team to assess the facility's condition. The team promptly disappears, killed by Alma. Genevieve sends in a second team, but they also disappear. Realizing that Alma's spirit has somehow been awakened by the reopening of the Origin site, Genevieve seals the facility. A few days later, Alma appears to Fettel and creates a second Synchronicity Event, causing Fettel to go rogue and take command of an army of clone soldiers known as Replicas.

He and Alma learn about a report being worked on by ATC employees dealing with contamination of water in the Auburn District. The two set out to find the people attached to the report, possibly believing that they may know the location of Alma's body. They first visit the South River Wastewater Treatment Plant, where Alma attempts to kill the Point Man. Despite her efforts, the Point Man survives, and Alma becomes curious about him. She begins to appear to him randomly, always watching him, but never attacking. In both the wastewater plant and ATC headquarters, they kill everyone present, whether these people know about Project Origin and Alma or not. There, Alma continues to watch the Point Man, and eventually learns he is her son.

Soon after, Alma and Fettel learn the location of the Origin facility, and they depart from ATC's headquarters to find it. Along the way, Fettel is able to kidnap Alma's sister, Alice Wade, and kills her while Alma watches. Genevieve Aristide muses in the field guide that Alma was likely jealous of Alice due to the preferential treatment she received from their father, and so wanted to witness her death. Alma immediately kills Harlan, then begins to walk around the facility, expelling Nightmares wherever she goes. Soon after, Alma takes the Point Man into a hallucination, but instead it shows a memory that reveals her to be Harlan's daughter, as well as that the Point Man is in fact Alma's son. In the memory, Alma is reaching out to him, demanding that her child be returned to her, only to encounter stern resistance from her father.

She appears to the Point Man, attempting to hug him, but as her touch is lethal, he is forced to shoot her repeatedly, not stopping until she disappears. After that, the Point Man walks down a hallway on his way out of the building when Alma again whispers to him, saying . The Point Man survives and is rescued by a chopper.

At the end Alma manifests her appearance on the side of the chopper the Point Man is riding in, causing it to crash. PS3 Bonus Mission. Edit. In F. E. A.

R.'s PS3 bonus mission, Alma is seen taunting the members of a Delta Force squad sent into ATC headquarters, appearing and disappearing at random intervals. At the end of the mission, Alma walks out of an elevator, appearing amongst a ball of fire. The Delta Force squad attempts to escape her, however, she quickly kills them all. Green initially tries to develop a rapport with Alma but gives up when the child is clearly unreceptive to her questions. As the interview wears on, Dr.

Green is slowly driven insane by Alma's psychic powers, and by the end of the interview, she is seen cowering in fear and muttering incoherently, the psychic horror having taken its toll on her sanity. After noticing some bloody footprints leading away from the crash, Jin sees that the pilot, Bremmer, is still alive, only to soon have his flesh melted off. Jin looks out the window to see the younger form of Alma smiling and her eyes glowing red.

The screen then fades to black, except for Alma's glowing eyes. Project Origin. Edit “.

Do you see me? 2: Project Origin, Alma's presence is felt much more than in the original F. E. A. R., mostly due to the psychic connection she bears with Michael Becket, due to his unknowing part in the Harbinger program. This connection grows more and more over the course of the game, in parallel with Becket's telepathic signal. She begins to take over Harold Keegan's mind, causing him to follow and try to help her. He is fought as the final boss of the game in a hallucination - lacking eyes and looking as though he has suffered charring to his entire body.

He fights with Becket, upset that Alma has chosen Becket over him. Her main form is the same as that seen at the end of F. E. A. R.; her real body, emaciated and naked, with dead eyes. She lacks the visual disturbances around her body seen in the first game, however.

This is confirmed from Dr. York's surgical notes, in which he states that Becket nearly died twice during the operating procedure, only to have him stabilize without any direct aid by their part. Upon recovery, Alma is seen watching over him, intrigued but at the same time unsure as to why he can sense her presence. She is then seen leading him deeper into the Harbinger Facility, occasionally pausing to make certain he is following her. Once inside the TAC, Becket becomes fully attuned to Alma, and as a result their psychic bond intensifies.

When several ATC Black Ops soldiers try to attack him during the atunement process, she grows enraged and kills them. In several other instances, when Becket's life is in grave danger, she protects him, but at the same time she also seems content to just leave him be, allowing Replica or ATC forces a chance to try to kill Becket. Unable to control her desires, Alma impulsively throws herself at him and repeatedly tries to rape Becket, though in doing so she inadvertently puts Becket's life at risk, due to her volatile psychic nature and unstable emotional feedback.

Fortunately, he is able to drive her away before Alma ends his life. As before, Becket pushes her away, and Alma, angered by his response, cries out: ?

Instead of finishing him off, she seems to react with confusion and even fright, possibly due to the fact that Becket regards her as more of a threat than anything else. Her form then changes to a sexualized version of herself. After regarding him for some tense moments, Alma disappears. Interestingly, she never pursues him right away, even though she could easily overpower him with little difficulty. At one point however, as Becket steps off the final tram in Interval 0.

Approach, Alma runs at him, desperately clinging to him. Even when Becket resists her, she lunges at him again and again until he finally manages to board an elevator, losing her interest for the time being. The Amplifier begins to activate, and his mind is locked into a hallucination, where he is forced to fight Sgt.

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