Family Values watch online with subtitles 1440 21:9

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FAMILY businesses are different from other sorts—they are held together by strands of DNA as well as the logic of profit. They are rich in scarce resources, such as. Pro-family action site promotes traditional family values, focusing primarily on the influence of television and other media on our society. Braxton Family Values Cooking Up Soul CSI: Miami Cutting It In the ATL David Tutera’s CELEBrations Dr. Strengthen your families relationships with articles from a Christian perspective on marriage, parenting, and family values.

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A public figure describes the family values that made them who they are. Family values involve all of the ideas of how you want to live your family life, and they are often passed down from previous generations. They can help define. The family is the bedrock of our nation. When American families flourish, so too does our country. Our Party’s economic and social policies. I support traditional family values. This starts with the most precious gift we are given - life. I hold steadfast in my belief that life begins at conception.

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The New Family Values ? Beyond simply being happy? That he shares your religious beliefs, that she values honesty and fidelity, or perhaps that he's tolerant and respectful of others, no matter their differences? Maybe all of the above? We live in a warp- speed world, and the information—good, bad, and ugly—that our children are exposed to is vast and unlimited. How do parents control the often uncontrollable?

Perhaps by returning to the traditional values that they hope will provide a solid foundation, according to Parenting's recent survey of more than 1,0. What we discovered: Most of you believe religion is the strongest building block in that foundation; family time really, really matters; and you don't want to raise a quitter, a slacker, or even a teller of little white lies. Your standards for your kids are way high. The challenge is: How to protect them in this wired new world? Still, it's important to start letting them out into the world, albeit a little at a time.

Here's how you're navigating this tricky but oh- so- critical transition: The New R ? Not at all, says Madeline Levine, Ph. D., author of Teach Your Children Well. I am white and Native American, my wife is 1. Italian, and our son Andy is white, Native American, and African- American. My wife is religious, and Andy is still making up his mind about it all.”—G. Daniel Cole, Smyrna, DEThe Fab Five: Most Desirable Character Traits for Kids.

Honesty. 44% Strong self- esteem. Kindness. 41% Good manners. Strong work ethic. Gen Y- ers often get a bad rap about their work ethic, yet they rated it in the top five most important qualities. Other traits typically associated with millennial parents—spirituality, creativity, eco- consciousness—didn't make the cut. You certainly can't go wrong with universal values that will keep kids grounded in a complicated world.

Focus on the Family provides relevant Christian advice on marriage, parenting and other topics. Find practical resources for every age and lifestage.

Family values, sometimes referred to as familial values, are traditional or cultural values (that is, values passed on from generation to generation within families.

Family ValuesFamily Values

But Tough does caution parents about placing too much importance on self- esteem. Sure, it's great when your child likes herself, but a little goes a long way. A better trait is what he calls “grit,” the confidence your child has in her abilities to solve a problem, make a difference, or change her circumstances.

Not you! 8. 2% of parents say: “Our children's behavior is a reflection of us.”Of course, once these same parents get in front of their computer screens (or behind the wheel of a car), they can be anything but well- mannered. And if you do it, your kids will be more likely to do it because they model their online behavior after you.”“. O'Keeffe: “I don't believe in filters or monitors. We live in a society that's driven by fear, and the first step as a parent is not to act on that fear but to get information. Take a class, talk to an expert.” Homeschooling's not the answer either. It's better for kids, socially and academically, to be away from their parents for part of the day, she adds.

Instead, raise them in a spirit of trust and open conversation so they understand the rules. Don't always force your child into continuing something, says Dr. What if he's playing soccer because you talked him into doing it but he really wants to play the violin? Or he's not developmentally ready for the activity?” In other words, while you may value persistence, there are times when knowing when to change course is the more admirable thing. Help your child get the message by having him finish out the season, or the piano lessons you've already paid for, and then allowing him to choose his next activity in exchange for a promise to stick to it for a mutually agreed upon amount of time.“It was also heartening to see that it wasn't a hundred percent who'd run their kids' forgotten homework to school,” notes Levine.

Micromanaging their lives doesn't do them any favors.“It's important to understand that children already have a real job—they go to school full- time and have to study.” - John Wilkes, Daytona Beach, FLDinner Still Rules! We were amazed! 8. Your job's no excuse: 8. And you can't blame school or extracurricular activities either: Parents of school- age kids eat together as often as moms and dads of little kids—both weighed in at 8. Why family dinners are such a priority, says parents: “It socializes my children and brings them a sense of security.”“It's the one opportunity to talk about the day so everyone can get a chance to share their . O'Keeffe. Do Good—Maybe? Make it happen: Community service doesn't have to be a big production to have an impact on kids.

Andrew Timmins, a dad from Vacaville, CA, gets his 3- year- old involved in helping prepare meals for the homeless and picking toys she can give away. Socially Speaking. Have you let your child under 1.

Facebook page? 8. I don't think they are able to exercise the judgment they need to safely navigate social media until age 1.

Amy Beth Hair, Decatur, GA1. My eight- year- old just got on Facebook, but we make sure that there are only family members—her grandfather, aunts, uncles—on her friend list. Today, it's easier and faster to text someone or chat with them on Facebook. Plus, it helps her learn to type and spell.” - Elizabeth Essex, West Frankfort, ILWhat the experts say: “Facebook is complicated—the way you post, the ads, the privacy settings—these are issues that are hard for teens to understand,” says Dr. Plus: You'd have to lie about her age—and you really don't want to set a precedent for that (hello, fake IDs). The QT Factor. 64% of parents say they spend two hours or more a day having fun with (as opposed to taking care of) their kids.

What's the secret to raising a child with a strong sense of self- esteem? Help her feel competent, which in turn will boost her confidence.

And one way to do that is to emphasize plenty of PDF—playtime, downtime and family time, says Levine. Just don't confuse sitting in the bleachers every weekend with family time.